Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Urban Cages

Green tendrils gather
a curtain of leaves
masking iron cages
of cemented lives

Junipers may reach out
and poinsettias dazzle
but can’t wish away
the concrete bars

Published: Feb 2009
Drawn with Thread e-catalogue
Seven Art Ltd.


Gaily coloured feathers
Pecking at seeds of hope

A broken wing

Gate wide open
Drinking eyefuls of sky

Published: Feb 2009
Drawn with Thread e-catalogue
Seven Art Ltd.



As Neelkanth she drank
the kalakutta of your lies.

Raging the fire of Raudra
flattening the façade
of arrogance, it is Shiva
as her, dancing the tandava.

Is it Shiva, as you
that will meet her
eyes, powered by truth?

Published: Feb 2009
Drawn with Thread e-catalogue
Seven Art Ltd.


Conceived of Raudra
Born of indignation
the goddess emerged to battle
Her syllables cut through flab
of impropriety, sloth and cowardice
enlightening the thoughtless fools
who defiled her living paradise

Published: Feb 2009
Drawn with Thread e-catalogue
Seven Art Ltd.

Lose ends III

power outages
murdered daughters
betrayed wives
Growing tall
Reaching for the skies
Raining mud
disease and

Published: Feb 2009
Drawn with Thread e-catalogue
Seven Art Ltd.


Loose Ends II

loose tarmac
tread of tyres
gnarled pigeon feet
and            corrupted hearts
warping the hellish darkness
with popcorn whiteness
tracing the            edges
of                        fantasy

Published: Feb 2009
Drawn with Thread e-catalogue
Seven Art Ltd.


Loose Ends I

Internal shrieks
beginning with a low bass
rising higher and higher
Hitting B flat
with that piercing crescendo
Shattering glass, tinted
with carnelian waters, whose
shards abandon purple orchids
to bleed calluses
treading dangerously
for a taste of rich dark
Belgian chocolate

Published: Feb 2009
Drawn with Thread e-catalogue
Seven Art Ltd.


Stacked on beams
prised ten feet apart
sardines packed
thirteen stories high
Un-insulated nerves and noises
creating cables of unwanted connectivity
Fragile hearts
bled dry
with rising prosperity.

Published: Feb 2009
Drawn with Thread e-catalogue
Seven Art Ltd.



Every window tells a story
Some spin yarns, dressed
in lacy fairy tales, others are
saucily spiced, like the
crushed velvet they caress
while some, blinded by the
glare of the world, remain darkly
draped with insecure lies.
Somewhere a curtain is parted
friendly eyes beckon, but
explosive nerves only see
the frayed ends.

Published: Feb 2009
Drawn with Thread e-catalogue
Seven Art Ltd.